Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Trying Something New

I know many people have been "blogging" for sometime. I, for one, never saw the appeal. I have my email account, my facebook account, and i'm seen quit frequently at But I realized that a lot of our family were not on Facebook, so I decided maybe this would be a great way for family and friends to see how our day to day lives work, and what we are up to. I also thought this would be a perfect way for everyone to stay up to date on what's new with the girls, being that they are growing like weeds. So, I ask that you bear with me as a figure out how to post, how often to post,  and how to post pictures. I hope everyone is doing well.


1 comment:

Penny said...

Welcome to blogger! It's starting to look like we follow each other around the web -- TT, FB, and now blogger...LOL!!

I've been blogging since 2006, and I LOVE it!! I don't have many readers, and ever fewer commentors, but that's OK with me! :)

Feel free to stop on over if you haven't already! (clicking my name will take you to my profile which will give you a link to my blog near the bottom of the page).